Today: 10:00AM - 5:00PM
Hollywood Kia | Kia Summer Sticker Sales Event
Mar 10, 2022
kia service

We understand a flat tire is, at the very least, a major inconvenience. It can also be downright dangerous. Our Kia service technicians at Hollywood Kia want to help ensure you are prepared.

Practice Safety First

If you can, get your vehicle to a safe and well-lit location, away from traffic. If you must use a shoulder, make sure that you set up a perimeter with a reflective warning triangle and turn on your hazards. Before beginning, make sure you are parked on even ground. Also, you want to apply your parking brake and place wheel wedges against your tires to help avoid your vehicle from rolling.

Make Sure You Have Everything You Need

Gather all the supplies you need before you begin. You want to make sure everything is easily within reach. Make sure you have a jack to raise your vehicle, as well as a lug wrench to remove your tire. Double-check that your spare tire has adequate inflation to use. Don’t forget to check for the elements, whether you need a flashlight, poncho, or heavy coat.

Change Your Tire

Once you’re ready, follow these steps carefully to change your tire.

  • Loosen your lug nuts without removing them completely
  • Slowly raise your vehicle using your jack until it’s six inches off the ground
  • Finish loosening your lug nuts completely and remove your tire
  • Carefully attach your spare tire and reattach your lug nuts
  • Tighten your lug nuts, in an alternating pattern, to help it attach evenly
  • Lower your vehicle to the ground and tighten the lug nuts completely

After you’ve replaced your tire, it’s important to visit our Kia dealership in Hollywood, FL as soon as possible to replace your spare tire. Still have questions? Reach out to our team – we’re happy to help!