Today: 9:00AM - 9:00PM

Hollywood Kia | Memorial Day Sales Event
Aug 15, 2018

Florida’s high temperatures and constant exposure to sunlight throughout the changing seasons can wreak havoc on your car. When the sun’s harsh rays shine down on your vehicle, they can cause a lot of damage. Here are a few tips for protecting your vehicle from the Florida heat.

Keep It Cool Inside

When a car is exposed to direct sunlight for a prolonged period, the interior surfaces can reach temperatures close to 200 degrees Fahrenheit, and your car’s interior air can surpass 145 degrees Fahrenheit. Protect the inside of your car by using a protective sunshade in the windshield — which will protect the dashboard and other components within your car’s cabin while keeping it cooler — and not parking in direct sunlight.

Wash and Dry It Regularly

It’s always important to keep your car clean, but it’s especially critical during the hottest months of the year. Heat and sunshine can crack and fade the paint on the outside of your vehicle. By washing your car regularly, you can remove the dust and dirt particles that cause small scratches in the paint and dull the finish. Add a layer of wax after every few washes to provide an additional layer of protection.

Check the Fluids

Your car has a built-in cooling system, but it needs proper hydration to work correctly. Check your fluids often to make sure the reservoirs are topped off for safety, and it has enough antifreeze and coolant.

You can protect your car from the Florida sunshine by taking some precautionary steps. By making sure your car is protected, you can prolong its life and reduce the risk of some of the problems caused by heat exposure.

Image via Flickr by alexisnyal